Discover practical energy exercises that can be incorporated easily into your day to day life, to bring about a greater sense of peace and well-being.
Eden Energy Medicine was developed by Donna Eden. Donna was diagnosed with MS and had a heart attack in her 20's. She was also plagued by allergies. Not only did she overcome her numerous health setbacks, now at the age of 80 she continues to help thousands of people improve their well-being through her programs and practitioners throughout the world.
Lisa is an Advanced Eden Energy Practitioner. She will guide you through many of the exercises that Donna calls the Daily Energy Routine, during this interactive session. This routine begins to bring the body into a state of balance and helps you take on life's challenges more easily.
Begin your journey to increased energy, greater vitality, stronger immunity, and improved resilience.
To learn more about Lisa and her programs, visit her website.
To register: Contact Lisa here. (