Join us in a small group setting to discuss birth preparation and parenting your newborn(s).
Labour & Delivery Class covers what it's like to deliver in the Victoria area, the childbirth continuum including signs of labour, medical assistance, and comfort measures.
Infant Feeding focuses on breast/chest feeding but also covers syringe feeding, cup feeding, and paced-bottle feeding. Breast/chest feeding component will cover feeding positions, latching, milk production, supporting a strong milk supply and local resources for extra support.
Newborn & Parenting covers the early days and weeks postpartum including care of newborn and care of parent(s). Topics include postpartum healing, newborn bathing & diapering, infant crying & soothing, expected sleep patterns, local resources for extra support and more! If there is class interest, we may briefly cover Infant CPR (no certificate provided).
Mix & Match Evening Prenatal Classes
6:15 - 8:45 pm
$60/pair or $30/person/class
Labour & Delivery
Newborn Care & Parenting
Infant Feeding
March 7 or March 21
A Saturday Together
Labour & Newborn Care
1:00 - 7:30 pm
$120/pair or $60 per person
March 15
Location: Fünketown, 101-7161 West Saanich Road, Brentwood Bay
To register with Keely, email
Keely Kastrukoff
Keely is a registered nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She graduated from the University of British Columbia with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2003, and became an IBCLC in 2010.
She is very passionate about supporting families who are expecting new babies. She offers group prenatal classes to help expectant parents connect in the community and feel confident about their ability to welcome their newborns home. She offers weekday evening and all-day Saturday classes touching on labour & delivery, infant feeding, newborn care and early parenting.
In her role as a lactation consultant, she is also available to provide infant feeding support after babies are born.
As a nurse, Keely has worked in southern BC and northern AB, but is now very pleased to live with her husband and two adolescents on the traditional lands of the W̱SÁNEĆ peoples.
In her free time she enjoys paddle boarding in Brentwood Bay, hiking the trails on the Peninsula and sharing meals with her family.
To book an appointment:
Or visit Keely's website at